Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated every year on 15th august. It is a national holiday. On 15th august 1947 India got freedom from British government. On this day the PM of India addresses the people of our nation and informs them about the strategy and achievements of our country.

Independence day promotes brotherhood among people who are culturally and religiously diverse. Independence day is the most significant festival. Every school and college celebrates independence day by hoisting the national flag and conducts cultural events. On independence day the people encourage patriotic sentiments among themselves. Many people were ready to sacrifice their lives for our country. It is an occasion in which we assess growth of our nation and make future plans. Independence day plays a vital role in letting children know about the glorious past about our nation. It encourages mutual love and harmony among children and to respect our country. Due to selfless sacrifice of our people we are living in a free country. 

-Bramath N P (Scout)